Monday, May 31, 2010

Its been a long time...

Wow, its been a long time since I have been on here. God has done a lot since i have last poseted.
He has opened a lot of new doors for me. One of the door He has opend is me teaching piano! I have been blessed with two students and I am so thankful. Another door that He has opened is being able to play the prelude for church. I never saw that coming but I am so thankful that god is allowing me to use the talents that He has given me for his glory and His honor!

Something that God had been working on my heart to work on and that is telling others about Christ. I think it was in Feburaury or March that I began to go soulwining with y church. I have say I really enjoy doing that. God has really shown me a lot.

Well, I made it through my 1st year at randolph Community College. The only reason why I made it through this year was and is Christ. I had a really hard time in the begining due to me leaving all my friends at Bob Jones University. The first few months at school I went through depression and sadness. but God helped me throught that I am truly blessed.

What a mighty God we serve