Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is God Pleased By What I am or a about to Do?

Psalm 25:12 says, "What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose."

I am reading "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers for my devotions, and the title that it was yesterday was, "What are you haunted by?" The verse above is the main verse that we read from. It really spoke to my heart. "...Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose." As I read this part of the verse, I was reminded of the fact that God has a perfect plan for my life and He also has perfect timing for everything that happens in my life. You know there are sometimes I really don't understand, but God does.....God does and I am truly thankful for that.

You know there was something that Oswald Chamber said that really made me think. He said, "So we are to live and move and have our being in God, to look at everything in relation to God, because the abiding consciousness f God pushes itself to the front all the time." The part that made me think was the part that says, "... to look at everything in relation to God..." I thought to myself, "What does that mean?" I remember having a conversation with a friend and she had talked about this same thing. Asking yourself if what you are or about to do is pleasing to God. Will what you do or say honor God. I mean yes I heard it, but I have never asked myself that before. Its been two days and I have been trying it. I have to say it has been great. It really makes me think. I encourage anyone who reads this to try it for a week and see what difference it makes!

I want to leave you with something else Oswald Chamber said. He said, ""His soul shall dwell at ease." In tribulation, misunderstanding, slander, in the midst of all these things, if our life is hid with Christ in God, He will keep us at ease. We rob ourselves of the marvelous revelation of this abiding companionship of God. "God is our refuge"-nothing can come through that shelter." How encouraging was the statement was too me. I know that there are sometimes when I go through trials, I don't look to God and I think I can handle them on my own. but I am so wrong. Its only by God and God alone can I make it.