Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You Never Know When Its Your Time

As I was getting ready to eat lunch today, I received a text and a voicemail that I needed to call my best friend cause she had something she needed to tell me. To be honest, I wasn't sure what she was going to say. What she told me shocked me and even now still deeply hurts me.

A guy that I met my freshman year at Bob Jones University died last night. You ask, "why does this affect you so much?" You see...I worked in the dining common at Bju and one night I saw him sitting all by himself. I really wanted to go talk to him but I couldn't because I was working. I remember going back to my crew-chief and telling her about this boy. I told her i really wanted to go talk with him but I knew I couldn't. For about three days the scenario happened. On the last day, I remember praying to God and asking Him to give me an opportunity to talk to him. He looked like He needed someone to talk too. Well, God answered that prayer. The next day at lunch I looked all around for him and couldn't find him. I just said a simple prayer, got up to put the dishes away and there he was. Sitting there all by himself. I thank God for answering my prayer and then went to talk with him. We had a really good chat, and we were able to chat for most of the year.

Even though it saddens me, I know he is in a better place(Heaven). I know that one day I will be able to see him and talk with him. My heart is sadden, but I know God is my comfortor.

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