Thursday, June 3, 2010

Is God Pleased By What I am or a about to Do?

Psalm 25:12 says, "What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose."

I am reading "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers for my devotions, and the title that it was yesterday was, "What are you haunted by?" The verse above is the main verse that we read from. It really spoke to my heart. "...Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose." As I read this part of the verse, I was reminded of the fact that God has a perfect plan for my life and He also has perfect timing for everything that happens in my life. You know there are sometimes I really don't understand, but God does.....God does and I am truly thankful for that.

You know there was something that Oswald Chamber said that really made me think. He said, "So we are to live and move and have our being in God, to look at everything in relation to God, because the abiding consciousness f God pushes itself to the front all the time." The part that made me think was the part that says, "... to look at everything in relation to God..." I thought to myself, "What does that mean?" I remember having a conversation with a friend and she had talked about this same thing. Asking yourself if what you are or about to do is pleasing to God. Will what you do or say honor God. I mean yes I heard it, but I have never asked myself that before. Its been two days and I have been trying it. I have to say it has been great. It really makes me think. I encourage anyone who reads this to try it for a week and see what difference it makes!

I want to leave you with something else Oswald Chamber said. He said, ""His soul shall dwell at ease." In tribulation, misunderstanding, slander, in the midst of all these things, if our life is hid with Christ in God, He will keep us at ease. We rob ourselves of the marvelous revelation of this abiding companionship of God. "God is our refuge"-nothing can come through that shelter." How encouraging was the statement was too me. I know that there are sometimes when I go through trials, I don't look to God and I think I can handle them on my own. but I am so wrong. Its only by God and God alone can I make it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

You Never Know When Its Your Time

As I was getting ready to eat lunch today, I received a text and a voicemail that I needed to call my best friend cause she had something she needed to tell me. To be honest, I wasn't sure what she was going to say. What she told me shocked me and even now still deeply hurts me.

A guy that I met my freshman year at Bob Jones University died last night. You ask, "why does this affect you so much?" You see...I worked in the dining common at Bju and one night I saw him sitting all by himself. I really wanted to go talk to him but I couldn't because I was working. I remember going back to my crew-chief and telling her about this boy. I told her i really wanted to go talk with him but I knew I couldn't. For about three days the scenario happened. On the last day, I remember praying to God and asking Him to give me an opportunity to talk to him. He looked like He needed someone to talk too. Well, God answered that prayer. The next day at lunch I looked all around for him and couldn't find him. I just said a simple prayer, got up to put the dishes away and there he was. Sitting there all by himself. I thank God for answering my prayer and then went to talk with him. We had a really good chat, and we were able to chat for most of the year.

Even though it saddens me, I know he is in a better place(Heaven). I know that one day I will be able to see him and talk with him. My heart is sadden, but I know God is my comfortor.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Its been a long time...

Wow, its been a long time since I have been on here. God has done a lot since i have last poseted.
He has opened a lot of new doors for me. One of the door He has opend is me teaching piano! I have been blessed with two students and I am so thankful. Another door that He has opened is being able to play the prelude for church. I never saw that coming but I am so thankful that god is allowing me to use the talents that He has given me for his glory and His honor!

Something that God had been working on my heart to work on and that is telling others about Christ. I think it was in Feburaury or March that I began to go soulwining with y church. I have say I really enjoy doing that. God has really shown me a lot.

Well, I made it through my 1st year at randolph Community College. The only reason why I made it through this year was and is Christ. I had a really hard time in the begining due to me leaving all my friends at Bob Jones University. The first few months at school I went through depression and sadness. but God helped me throught that I am truly blessed.

What a mighty God we serve

Monday, January 11, 2010

God Gives Us The Strength to Finish the Race

Wow...what can I say! Baby sitting (I dont like to say that because two of them are teenagers, so lets use watching)watching them has been just amazing. There is never a dull moment. I am learning that in order to watch the kids, you have got to have a little kid in you! The kids have been amazing! God has me here for a reason. Wether it be for Him to teach me something or for me to teach them something.

One thing that I am learning is that strength comes from God. Today I just started my first day of school! Yeah I have to admitt I was tierd, but God has given me the strenght to get through the day and I am so thankful. You know God is always watching out for His children and I am so thankful.

Well its 10:53pm and Its time for bed. Thank you God for this day an hopefully tomorrow can blog more!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


OK. So sometime last week (I think it was Sunday), I was asked by a member in my church, if I was willing to watch her kids while she and her husband went on a cruise. I have to admit...I was totally nervous. Nervous you say? Why? Well because in total, I would be watching her 8 kids. I told her I would talk to my parents about it and they said it was ok. At first I was like there is absolutely no way Jose I could do this. That's a huge family. Dumb ole me forgot that I also come from a big family with 8 kids in it. To me its not the same. You see I am the third youngest out of 8 so there was no need for me to be watching anyone. It was more of the older ones watching us.

I kept trying to remember was there anytime I had to watch 8 kids by myself? Yes!!!! Yes there is. When my sister got married, I had to watch all my nieces and nephews(6 of them) and then some other kids that were there. It wasn't hard at all. That though gave me a peace of mind.

You know I kept praying and praying about it. I prayed that this would be the right thing to do. It made me nervous because I have to work, and also go to school and then watch them. But you know what? I kept thinking to myself, through everything that will be going on in my life, this could be away for God to teach me patience, or relying on Him for strength. So many lessons can come from this.

So...this afternoon will start Mission: Possible. For you see, "For with God, all things are possible..."

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day by Day

Something that God has really been teaching me this past year and this upcoming year, is taking it one day at a time! There are so many times I freak all because Im not sure whats going to happen in two days or I dont know whats going to happen in the future, But you know what? God does. God does because He is my creator. What I am learning is, instead of looking to far down the future, look at the day that you are in. Look at the day that God has given you, and focus on how you can serve Him. Yes, there are days I do forget to do that, but God always shows me some way or some how, that my focus is not Him and needs to be.When we start to "freak" out about our future and what is in store for us in our life, thats when we need to turn to God and sask Him what Hiswll is for ur lives today! Lets take it slowy. Better yetm lets take it day by day=)